Master Theses & Final Papers
In the first ten years of the programme, then called the Master in EU Studies Online, the two year study programme was completed with a Master thesis.
Since 2019, the study programme for professionals was improved to meet our students’ needs, who can now choose between a research track and a professional track. Students choosing the research track write a Master thesis, students choosing the professional track write a final paper. The two formats have different quality criteria.
The titles for the Master theses and Final papers in the disciplines Political Science, Economics, and EU Law are listed below. Since 2021, the Board of Examinations and Studies has decided to publish some of the best master theses and final papers. They can be downloaded in pdf format.
2009 - 2024
- Viktor Orbán: An extreme case of the Eurosceptic, Populist, Anti-Liberal politician? (Master thesis)
- Portuguese attitudes to EU membership: Where Euroscepticism (still) doesn’t sell? (Master thesis)
- The EU AI Act: key impacts for the Public Sector (Final paper)
- Decoding Strategic Engagement: Analysing Political Dynamics in the EU-China Relations (Master thesis)
- Moldova's accession to the European Union - outlining different trajectories for Moldova's path to EU membership (Final paper)
- EU Twinning Projects: The Greek experience and the need for a more active participation (Final paper)
- The Crime of Rape: Great Absent of the European Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence (Final paper)
- Gastrodiplomacy as a new “soft-power” in Spain (Final paper)
- Upholding Integrity and Transparency: Strategies for Fighting Corruption in EU Institutions (Final paper)
- Schon wieder Zeitenwende? - The Development of Germany’s Foreign, Security and Defence Policy in Context of Olaf Scholz’s “Turning Point” Narrative (Master thesis)
- Initiatives for sustainable projects on the local political level (Final Paper)
- Georgia's Integration into the EU: Opportunities and Challenges (Final paper)
- Serbia towards EU Membership through the lens of women's rights (Final paper)
- The Future of EU-UK Relations. Is The Windsor Framwork: A new way forward? (Final Paper)
- Examining the relationship between Lebanon and the European Union - Need for Lebanon's reconstruction (Final paper)
- Fair global access to COVID-19 vaccines: The EU’s role in COVAX and beyond (Final paper)
- Why is Serbia embracing Russia - and is it actually doing it at all? (Master thesis)
- The strategy adopted regarding the immigration flow in the European Union (Master thesis)
- The current point of the situation as regards EU environmental policies and transport systems (Final paper)
- Regulating Social Media for countering the spread of terrorism and better control over cybersecurity (Master thesis)
- Accession policy of the Western Balkans, and the benefits of the accession process of Albania in the EU (Master thesis)
- Gendering Europeanisation in the Eastern Neighbourhood: Case study of the failed Istanbul Convention ratification in Ukraine (Master thesis)
- Albania towards EU accession. (Final paper)
- The new Pact on Migration and Asylum. Seeking consensus on the EU migration and asylum policy (Final paper)
- ASEAN Demystified: A neorealist alliance of postcolonial states (Master thesis)
- Why Ireland has not aligned with the United Kingdom on Brexit? (Master thesis)
- 4 scenarios for Kosovo's future in the European Union (Final paper)
- Regional cooperation and creation of a mini-EU in Western Balkans (Master thesis)
- Why does the EU Trust Level Fluctuate in Azerbaijan? (Master thesis)
- White Paper on the current and future engagement EU – WBs (Final paper)
- Political analysis from an external (outside) perspective on fraud and corruption with EU funds; How fraud and corruption are eroding the EU’s financial interest (Final paper)
- SWOT analysis - European Union's Mediterranean Military Mission Operation Sophia (Final paper)
- SWOT analysis of the impact of the European Green Deal to EU’s trade policy (Final paper)
- Draft Green Paper on urban accessibility 2030. Reducing urban sprawl, fostering innovative urban mobility, increasing accessibility (Final paper)
- Breaking the ice in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union (Master thesis)
- Taking Back Control: The UK’s Future Relationship with the EU vis-à-vis third countries. (Master thesis)
- The role of the EU in international organisations - Focusing on three EU Policy Areas: Fisheries Policy (Conservation of marine biological resources under the CFP), Maritime Affairs and Tourism Policy. (Master thesis)
- In Search of a theory for PESCO - A Dialogue between Rational choice and Fusion thesis. (Master thesis)
- Exploring and explaining the limitations and opportunities of EU-Japan bilateral relations in a shifting international relations landscape. (Master thesis)
- To what extent has the EU acted as a leader of rule-setter on climate change policy? (Master thesis)
- The Impact of a major jihadist terrorist attack on EU measures to counter terrorism. (Master thesis)
- Burden-sharing vs. Burden-shifting in the EU in the area of migration and asylum. (Master thesis)
- EU Strategy in Central Asia: EU as a normative power in Kazakhstan. (Master thesis)
- European Identity and Migration. (Master thesis)
- Gordian Knot of The Bilateral Disputes: How The EU deals with The Veto Power In the Member State-Candidate State Relations? (Master thesis)
- European Neighbourhood Policy Revised: Implications and prospects of Georgia's further integration with the European Union Theories & Strategies in the EU. (Master thesis)
- Brexit and the rise of EU-scepticism and Anti-European populism - coincidence vs. Correlation: a case study of Austria. (Master thesis)
- Creating Greatness within Smallness - The Success of Small Member States during the Presidency og th Council (A Case Study of the Grand Duchy and Malta). (Master thesis)
- Why is there a need for a new European Aviation Strategy? (Master thesis)
- Why do macro regional strategies exist? (Master thesis)
- European External policy, with a focus on defence policy. (Master thesis)
- The European Union’s Strategic Role in Central Asia. (Master thesis)
- Reviewing vertical and horizontal integration of European Water Policies with a focus on the AgriFood-sector and the scale of Governance. (Master thesis)
- The EU's Normative Power and Its Effectiveness and Coherence with Regards to Iran. (Master thesis)
- The US, the EU and the TTIP - The Negociations and Asymetrical Power Between Them. (Master thesis)
- The Dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, a successful story of EU Foreign Policy. (Master thesis)
- The Common Security Security and Defence Policy and the challenges of international terrorism in the context of the Middle East conflicts. (Master thesis)
- An Evaluation of EU Policy Towards Democratization in the Southern Neighbourhood - A Case study of Tunisia and Egypt. (Master thesis)
- The European Perspective of Albania; Difficult Path Towards EU Membership. (Master thesis)
- EU’s Soft Power Instruments: Case Study of Funding Programs for Turkey. (Master thesis)
- Serbian strategy on its way towards the EU. (Master thesis)
- Are times of Europeanization times of gender experts? The "window of opportunity" in the Europeanization of gender equality standards in Croatia. (Master thesis)
- The new security strategy of Turkey in Syrian Border. A neorealist assessment. (Master thesis)
- The European Anti-Fraud Office in the EU Fight against Fraud and Corruption. (Master thesis)
- Implementation of EU Human Rights Policy in Enlargement Process - Kosovo's Case. (Master thesis)
- European External Action Service - A "state department" for the European Union? (Master thesis)
- The role of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. (Master thesis)
- Leadership of the European Union. (Master thesis)
- An analysis of political discourse in French, German and British quality newspaper. (Master thesis)
- Do we talk about the same thing in the EU? (Master thesis)
- EU- Russia Energy Cooperation: Political Aspects. (Master thesis)
- European Identity since Lisbon. (Master thesis)
- Public Euroscepticism in the UK and the Czech Republic. (Master thesis)
- The role of EMSA in maritime crisis management: a supranational body or simply an assisting agent. (Master thesis)
- Europeanization process - Accession of the Albania into the European Union. (Master thesis)
- Civil Society and Human Rights Policy. (Master thesis)
- Input of Europeanization process to Turkey. (Master thesis)
- Lady Ashton’s Neighborhood? European Foreign Policy in North Africa and Syria in the Wake of the Arab Spring and its Effect on US Policy. (Master thesis)
- Protection of minorities as one of the key challenges for Kosovo’s path towards the EU (How Europe’s youngest democracy is implementing minority rights standards) - Are minorities's saferguards in Kosovo in compliance with relevant EU policies. (Master hesis)
- Albania towards EU accession. (Master thesis)
- Turkish Strategic Depth Doctrine: Shift of Axis on the way to the EU? (Master Thesis)
- To what extent has the possibility of European Integration influenced the Europeanization on public administration reform at the municipal level in Kosovo? (Master Thesis)
- The European Union Conditionality Sustaining Democracy and the Rule of Law in Albania. (Master Thesis)
- How effective is the EU as a normative actor in its neighbourhood? The promotion of democracy in Tunisia. (Master Thesis)
- High Representative and European External Action Service (EEAS) - To what extent does the Treaty of Lisbon enhance the crisis management capacities of the EU on the international stage? (Master Thesis)
- The European Union policy toward western Balkan: Kosovo - successful story or a challenge? (Master Thesis)
- Solidarity among strangers in the EU - a social identity perspective. (Master Thesis)
- Is the EU's policy of pursuing multilateralism in the WTO reconcilable with other dimensions of its trade policy? (Master Thesis)
- European Union's strategy towards Kosovo: civilian power or stabilizer? Diversity on recognition and disunity in engagement! (Master Thesis)
- The Role of the European Parliament in Fostering Human Rights Externally. (Master Thesis)
- Post-Lisbon EU Foreign Policy and the European External Action Service - Towards Coherent and Efficient EU Foreign Policy. (Master Thesis)
- EU-Russia relations: Cooperation and/or Confrontation. (Master Thesis)
- Kosovo and the European Union - Impact of Europeanisation in Kosovo Domestic Structures. (Master Thesis)
- The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - To what extent should the EGTC be considered a rational choice for organising cross-border cooperation? (Master thesis)
- What role EU plays in relationship with Georgia? (Master thesis)
- Serbia´s process - accession into the EU - Will Serbia through realism finally arrive to Brussels? (Master thesis)
- The Organization of the EU Presence in Kosovo in View of ist Coherence - Too Many Actors to Get Along! (Master thesis)
- Is the EU a Soft Power? EU's Impact on Turkey's Social and Economic Policies. (Master thesis)
- Croatian accession to the European Union: Institutional, legislative and cognitive changes. (Master thesis)
- Is Frontex a Hybrid? Exploring the Nature and Role of the Common European Border Agency in the Institutional Framework of the EU. (Master thesis)
- Europeanisation process of Montenegro: Misery or Magnificence? (Master thesis)
- Towards a more Coherent Foreign Policy in the Region: Albania, a factor of Stability. (Master thesis)
- Conflict Prevention by the European Union. Normative Power in Southeast Asia? (Master thesis)
- The ECB and Crisis Management in EU Institutional Framework: Was the ECB a leader in financial crisis? (Master thesis)
2009 - 2024
- Industrial policy and the European Green Deal: the EU’s bet on hydrogen and carbon capture (Master thesis)
- EU Budget: what options for the revenue to support EU’s ambitions? (Final paper)
- The Recovery and Resilience Facility in Spain – Misuse of Next Generation EU funding (Master thesis)
- Importance of Turkey as an Energy Corridor and Supplier for European Union (Master thesis)
- Futures of European Roads: Risks and Opportunities (Master thesis)
- The Effects of the Welfare State on Society, Wellbeing, and Resilience of the EU: Withstanding Future Economic, Political and Societal Challenges (Master thesis)
- A study on Namibia-EU trade relations. A look at medium-term impact of SADC EPA on Namibia’s trade with the EU (Master thesis)
- EU Energy Policy and the European Integration (Final paper)
- Peru - European Union relations: Analysis of the economic impact of the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the European Union (Master thesis)
- EU Enlargement's Existential Crisis in the Balkans: Causes, Consequences and Way Out (Final paper)
- Cohesion and integration in the European Union – A Nordic perspective. (Final paper)
- The Association Agreements between the EU and Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia: A Dual Challenge. (Master thesis)
- Lessons for Developing a Holistic Ocean Economy: A Case Study of the European Union Blue Growth Strategy. (Master thesis)
- Developing an optimal financial and regulatory governance mechanism for cryptocurrencies and blockchain-governed institutions in the EU. (Master thesis)
- Private and public solutions to guarantee labor standards and human rights along global supply chains. (Master thesis)
- Future Bilateral EU-China Investment and FreeTrade Agreements. (Master thesis)
- How should the EU reengineer the Eastern Partnership to overcome ist past shortcomings and make it more effective in the face of Russian opposition? (Master thesis)
- Factors and Strategies of attracting Foreign Direct Investment and their effect on investment attractiveness. International and National Practice. (Master thesis)
- The Socio-Economic Impact of the INTERREG Interregional Cooperation Programme on the Regions of the Netherlands and Hungary. (Master thesis)
- What is To Be Expected by The Asylum Seekers in Germany. (Master thesis)
- Energy Union; The Answer to Energy Security of Europe? (Master thesis)
- The Use of Financial Instruments in the European Union's Budget: The Case of EU Cohesion Policy. (Master thesis)
- The European Union, the Fragmented European Defence Industry, and the Cost of Non-Collaboration. (Master thesis)
- Is cohesion policy funding used to reduce health inequalities in the European Union? (Master thesis)
- The economic and European perspective of the small Balkan state: case of Montenegro. (Master thesis)
- Impact of migration on the German job market. (Master thesis)
- The role of Institutional Capacity in fostering economic, territorial and social cohesion in Southeast Europe. (Master thesis)
- How has the crisis and the policies linked to it affected the Iberian absorptive capacity of EU Structural Funds? (Master thesis)
- Exchange Traded Fund in Europe after the 2008 Crisis. (Master thesis)
- European Union's Reliance on Natural Gas: Implication on EU Security, Geopolitics and Economy. (Master thesis)
- The European Quantitative Easing, Effects on the Italian real economy. (Master thesis)
- The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Negociations, A Revelation of Irreconciliable Differences. (Master thesis)
- The Power of EU Conditionality - Efficiency of the EU Conditionality in the Western Balkans with particular overview of ist effects to Serbia. (Master thesis)
- Social cohesion vs/and economic growth with the EU. (Master thesis)
- The potential and barriers of Europe's common renewable energy strategy and climate policies. (Master thesis)
- European Development Cooperation in Asia. (Master thesis)
- Joint cross-border pre-commercial procurement. An example for demand-side innovation policies in the EU. (Master thesis)
- How to Foster Social Cohesion in the European Union? (Master thesis)
- Germany’s role and influence on EU – Russia relations. (Master thesis)
- The Eastern Partnership put in a crossroad by the antagonistic Eurasian Economic Community Customs Union. The reasons under Eastern Partnership`s weakness, potential measures to fix them and future scenarios for the initiative. (Master thesis)
- Financial and banking regulation and supervision within the EU. A definition and evaluation of legal, economic and institutional crisis-preventing measures. (Master thesis)
- Georgia's Prepardness to conclude DCFTA with European Union. (Master thesis)
- Energy Security for the European Union and the Role of Turkey. (Master thesis)
- The Euro Area Crisis and Current Answers. (Master thesis)
- Raising Competitiveness of Albanian Agriculture Sector in the Perspective of EU Integration: Farmers Cooperative. (Master thesis)
- EU-Georgia Relations: Will the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement Have Positive Impact on Georgia's External Trade. (Master thesis)
- Demographic ageing in the EU: Social and Economic Implications. (Master thesis)
- Economic integration through the multilateral free trade agreements CEFTA and CEFTA 2006. (Master thesis)
- Quantum-Physics Considerations on the World Economics. (Master thesis)
- Global Competitiveness: The EU and The Lisbon Strategy. (Master thesis)
- The process of EU accession, perceptions of risk and the dynamic of FDI in candidate countries. Lessons from the past decade. (Master thesis)
2009 - 2024
- Protecting the Fairness of European Parliament Elections via Preliminary Ruling (Master thesis)
- The GDPR and the protection of individual rights: the influence on French law (Master thesis)
- Modification of the financing system for freeway infrastructure in EU Member State P. Ban on fossil fuel-based engines in WTO Member State Y (Final paper)
- Legal assessment of national measures against Union laws and WTO rules (Final paper)
- Same-sex couples and freedom of movement:. the case for cross-border recognition. (Master thesis)
- NextGenerationEU: introducing the debt competence? A legal assessment of the Lisbon Treaties regarding the legal framework of the NextGenerationEU borrowings and the novel interpretation of the budgetary provisions. (Master thesis)
- The cooperation of judicial authorities in child abduction cases. (Master thesis)
- NextGenerationEU and the courts – On the interrelationship between the Bundesverfassungsgericht and the Court of Justice of the European Union exemplified by the NextGenerationEU proceeding. (Master thesis)
- Legal Memorandum regarding the interpretation and application of TFEU and GATT provisions to a specific case. (Final paper)
- Legal assessment: A Governmental proposal to change the financing system of the national highways network. (Final paper)
- Legal opinion: Circulation of the new technology engines developed in WTO Member X and non-tariff barriers to international trade. (Final paper)
- Legal opinion: Analysis, under GATT provisions, of the RGTA of Country Y. (Final paper)
- Legal opinion to the H.E. the Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Business Location. (Final paper)
- Compatibility of a sectoral traffic prohibition concerning lorries over 3,5 t carrying certain goods with European Union law. (Final paper)
- Proportionality and EU Law in the framework of Air Pollution (Member State A case). (Final paper)
- SECTORAL TRAFFIC PROHIBITION Member State measure within the Directive on Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air for Europe 2008/50/EC. (Final paper)
- Implications of Brexit for the insurance industry - how can disruption be prevented? (Master thesis)
- The New EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Its Possible Effects on Armenia's Data Protection as a Non-EU Country. (Master thesis)
- Impact of the CJEU's Case Law on the Dublin IV Proposal and Vice Versa. (Master thesis)
- The European Union Competence with Respect to Foreign Direct Investment: Shared or Exclusive? Aspects of legal integration. (Master thesis)
- Reform in Albania based on case studies of Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. (Master thesis)
- Rule of Law and the implementation of the Justice. (Master thesis)
- Approximation of Moldovan legislation to the EU Law: case sutdy on personal data protection. (Master thesis)
- The influence of European Union Association instrument on national constitutionality. (Master thesis)
- Is the Europeean Commission's New Approach in ist recent State Aid Investigations of Transfer Pricing Rulings More a Political Power Game than a Legally Convincing Argumentation? (Master thesis)
- LGB Rights: Equality and Legal Segregation in the EU. (Master thesis)
- Liability of a Member state for the breach of EU law; Judgement of the Spanish Constitutional Court 1709-2013, “Solange II” of the German Constitutional Court from 1986. (Master thesis)
- Towards a common notion of market citizenship encompassing both the EU and the EEA. European Citizenship, EEA, market citizenship. (Master thesis)
- Direct and indirect discrimination of foreign workers in the UK. (Master thesis)
- The European Patent Package: an ambitous legal reform in the field of European Intellectual Property. (Master thesis)
- The judicial autonomy of the ECJ after EU's accession to the ECHR in the light of Opinion #2/13. (Master thesis)
- Informational Self Determination in Cloud Computing - Data Transmission and privacy incloud computing with substractors. (Master thesis)
- The Maltese iGaming industry and EU law: 'illegal sports betting' as defined by the Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions vs. Maltese National interests through EU law. (Master thesis)
- The Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions - origins, goals and outlook. (Master thesis)
- The effectiveness of the free movement and residence right under Article 21 TFEU after 20 years of European citizenship. (Master thesis)
- The European Union policies adressing human trafficking: legal challenges and solutions. (Master thesis)
- A comparative perspective on the future of European space governance - Case Study for the transforming ESA in an EU "Space" Agency sui generis. (Master thesis)
- EU conditionality on gender equality in accession countries - A case study of Albania. (Master thesis)
- Patients’ rights in the EU: the medical dimension of the free movement of persons. (Master thesis)
- Public enforcement of the EU Environmental Law and the role of the Citizens. (Master thesis)
- Adverse Impact discrimination in EU Public procurement. (Master thesis)
- The Significance of the Concept "European Community governed by the Rule of Law". (Master thesis)
- The Significance of the Accession for the Protection of Fundamental Rights. (Master thesis)
- The Accession of the European Union to the European Convention of Human Rights: A welcomed Change? (Master thesis)
- Interaction between European Union law and Islamic law. (Master thesis)
- Harmonization of EU Law in the Field of Asylum – Standards and Procedures – the Case of Austria and Germany. (Master thesis)
- Marine Protected Areas in the Aegean Sea; The international and EU legal framework for the protection of marine ecosystems with particular reference to the Aegean Sea in the Mediterranean basin. (Master thesis)
- EU State Aid Regime during the Financial Crisis: Rationalizing Billions of Euro State Support for the Banks. (Master thesis)
- Competitive Preventions and Consumer protection in the European PC-Desktop market. (Master thesis)
- Implementation of the Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications: Lessons Learned – roadmap to a potential EU candidate country. (Master thesis)
- Privacy and Data protection in the European Union. (Master thesis)
- The Legal Status of Third Country Nationals in the European Union with Regard to the ECJ's Influence under the Lisbon Treaty. (Master thesis)
- The Binding Effect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and Its Practical Impact. (Master thesis)
- The Concept of Equality and Non-Discrimination in the EU Gender Equality Law. (Master thesis)
- The European Union as a subject of international legal order: An analysis of the legal personality under the Treaty of Lisbon. (Master thesis)