Great to have met again students and experts of the second year in beautiful Barcelona!
On Friday, we had the opportunity to visit the Parliament and learn about Catalan politics before an intensive training on presentation slkills. After this, our experts Prof Wessels, Prof Inotai, Prof Kissack, Ralf Kanitz, Dr. Tamás Szigetvári and Thomas Traguth discussed in an interdisciplinary session on the Economic agenda of the EU at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
On the second workshop day, the students presented the first steps of their research which will lead to their final papers and master theses. They wrote on highly topical subjects like Scholz Zeitenwende, Serbia towards EU Membership, future EU-UK relations, initiatives for sustainable projects in the EU and many more…
We are looking forward to our next meeting in Nice in July !
Impressions of Barcelona ...