CIFE Executive Master in EU Studies | Online and On-site

Workshop in Vienna

Meeting again the students in Vienna after an intensive summer!

EU Core Values World Cafe CIFE Vienna

EU Vienne Executive Master CIFE 2024


After visiting the Chancellery on the first workshop day in Vienna, the students presented the projects they had worked on during the summer to their tutors Gyöngyvér Gyene and Emre Gür. On Saturday and Sunday, our experts for political science Wolfgang Wessels and Thomas Traguth deepened further the major theories of EU integration and explained the complexity and differentiation in the EU,  among other topics.

Our economics expert Tamás Szigetvári taught on the dynamic impacts of deepening and the extension of the market by enlargements. The EU Law expert Ralf Kanitz worked with the students on legal methodology and case studies.

Sessions on the upcoming debating society exercise and the moot court of the European Court of Justice as well as interdisciplinary world café on the EU core values, such as the rule of law and enlargement, complemented the weekend programme.

Many thanks to our students and experts for their inputs, active participation and good work! We look forward to meeting you again online and in Berlin in January 2025.

With this workshop the students are starting the second year of the programme.

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