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Workshop in Brussels

Brussels Workshop for the Executive Master in EU Studies Participants - End of the First Year!

The first year of the Executive Master in EU Studies concluded with an intensive and dynamic weekend workshop in Brussels: the students visited the European Parliament, had stimulating discussions with experts and Brussels-based EU-actors, took part in a simulation of an EU Council Summit, and discovered the advanced courses for the upcoming second year.

On Friday, journalist Hajo Friedrich took us behind the scenes of the European decision-making process and shared insider tips about the workings of the institutions. In the European Parliament, CIFE Alumna Emma Demoulin described the daily work of an accredited Parliamentary Assistant and answered questions about the composition of the new parliament and the political implications. The students were able to discuss many more Brussels-related topics with Doris Dialer from the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU, and various CIFE Alumni now working in different EU institutions.

On Saturday, the group took part in a simulation of a European Council Summit, to prepare and negotiate a declaration under the guidance of Lina Plank and Stephan Naumann from our long-term partner Planpolitik.

On Sunday, some of the second-year experts presented their courses:

  • Thomas Traguth - Explaining the Institutional Evolution of the EU: Drivers and Barriers,
  • Ralf Kanitz - Constitutional Framework of the EU, European Citizenship, and EU Fundamental Rights,
  • Tamás Szigetvári - The European Union facing Global Economic Challenges,
  • Emre Gür - Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework and
  • Gyöngyver Gyene - Strategic Planning. Implementation and Evaluation of Development Programmes in the EU.

Thank you to all participants and experts!


Executive Master Brussels European Parliament hemicycle June 2024

CIFE Emma Demoulin Alumna June 2024 Brussels EP Greens

EU Council Simulation Planpolitik Brussels June 2024

CIFE Executive Bavaria Brussels EU June 2024 Hajo
