Latest News | Executive Master in EU Studies | European Master

Weekend workshops

Regular workshops with experts and peers in European cities

We are convinced that online studies are an asset for our students, most of them professionals, from Europe and beyond who can study while pursuing their careers.
We are also convinced that face-to-face meetings are indispensable for students and experts. 

Throughout the two study years, our students meet each other and the experts and supervisors during eight weekend workshops in different European cities. The weekend workshops are also the unique opportunity to meet actors and decision makers of EU politics in the different EU member states.

In the first study year, students meet four times face-to-face in Berlin, Rome, Budapest and Brussels.

The workshops are a unique opportunity for the students to meet the experts in person, to listen to their introduction to the next term’s courses, to start exchanging on the contents and to meet their fellow students.

In the second study year, students also meet four times face-to-face in Vienna, Berlin, Barcelona and Nice. They choose the specialisation, either EU law, economics or political science and their track, either professional track or research track and meet the experts who support them in finding and developing the topics they will work on.

Find out more about our weekend workshops

