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Vienna workshop

We came together for the first workshop of the 2nd academic year in Vienna.

In Vienna we had the pleasure to meet with Philipp Agathonos and Ralf Hospodarsky from the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.

In the afternoon, during a visit of the Austrian Federal Chancellery, we learned a lot about Austrian history and politics.

In the following days the students had sessions on the current economic challenges of the EU, the institutional evolution of the EU, and worked on case studies on European citizenship and fundamental rights.

We are thanking our experts, Prof. Wessels, Prof. Inotai, Dr Szigetvári, Mr Kanitz and Mr Traguth, for the interesting input during the interdisciplinary session. From a political science, economics, and EU law perspective they discussed about the current EU policy agenda, followed by questions from our students.

It was a very insightful weekend. Thank you to all the students and experts!


