Last weekend we met for the January workshop of the second year of the Executive Master in EU Studies in Berlin.
After taking the exams of the advanced courses which mark the beginning of the specialisation phase, the students trained their presentation skills in an afternoon session.
The second day started with a simulation of a case before the European Court of Justice in which each student took an active role as either applicant, agent of a member state or the European Commission, Advocate general, Judge rapporteur and Judge.
The afternoon was dedicated to a debating society exercise on conditionality and an interdisciplinary world café during which students and CIFE experts Wolfgang Wessels, Mattias Wendel, Ralf Kanitz, Tamás Szigetvari and Thomas Traguth discussed Resilience and the Strategic Autonomy of the EU.
We thank our students and experts for their active participation and are looking forward to meeting them again in April in Barcelona!