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New CIFExpress: Access to Water

CIFExpress: Access to Water - An Underestimated Challenge for Sustainability

Access to clean and drinkable water for everybody is one of the biggest challenges that we will be facing in the next decades. Although there are no alternatives to replace water (compared to fossil fuels that can be replaced through renewable energies), strangely enough, this pressing topic is less present in the public debate than other sustainability challenges, such as the loss of biodiversity or climate change.

In our new CIFExpress, Laurent Baechler, Economist and Programme Director at CIFE, describes the current world water atlas and depicts technical solutions and ways that can help us to tackle the enormous challenge to ensure that future generations will have a secure access to water resources worldwide.

Laurent Baechler has recently published a monograph in French about the access to water (L'accès à l'eau. Un enjeu majeur du développement durable) at De Boeck supérieur - Vuibert.

Watch the CIFExpress.

