Last weekend, the students of the Executive Master in EU Studies were in the Catalan capital for their penultimate weekend workshop.
After a discussion with Aleix Samarri i Camargo on Sub-state nations in the EU legal and political framework and an interdisciplinary session in a world café format during which the students worked with their professors on migration, taking into account the perspectives of the different disciplines EU law, economics and political science. A visit of the Parliament of Catalonia and insights of its functioning ended the first workshop day.
Saturday was the occasion for the students to present their research to their fellow students and professors and to receive comments on how to develop their work before they defend their final papers and master theses in July in Nice. Some topics on which they are working on are the new AI act, EU Twinning Projects, Portuguese attitudes to EU membership, The Recovery and Resilience Facility in Spain, just to name a few.
We thank our faculty András Inotai, Ralf Kanitz, Tamás Szigetvári, Thomas Traguth, Mattias Wendel and Wolfgang Wessels for their guidance and dedication and our students for their good work and their energy!
Barcelona impressions: