Weekend Workshop in Budapest: 12-14 April 2024

Our students were immersed in the Hungarian reality by visiting the Parliament and discussing with young opposition MP Endre Tóth. After a very insightful exchange with Prof. Péter Balázs on The Current Political Situation in Hungary and Hungary in the EU, they met András Inotai and Tamás Szigetvári for a fascinating presentation on EU Enlargement – Experiences, Processes and Impact.
On Saturday, Artur Gruszczak introduced the course on Justice and Home Affairs in the EU and shared the latest developments in this very sensitive and topical field, followed in the afternoon by Doris Dialer who delved us into the work of actors in Brussels and around and taught the course Lobbying and Advocacy in the EU. After a city tour by one of our second-year students living in Budapest, taking us from Pest to Buda, we finished the day with a delicious dinner with former students of CIFE programmes. On the last day of our intensive workshop, Gyöngyvér Gyene presented a future-oriented and inspiring introduction to Sustainable Development Policy and the European Green Deal.
Thanks to the experts and students involved for their engagement and investment during these study days and for their active participation in Budapest.
We’re looking forward to our next meeting in Brussels for the final days of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU and more insights into the EU Bubble.
Lectures and group work: